our thoughts

Aim of the service

CaminoSake is a coined word that combines the Spanish word Camino, which means "road," and "sake." The idea of ​​Japan's unique ``do,'' such as Bushido, tea ceremony, and judo, which seeks to pursue things not only by technique and knowledge but also by spirituality, is rather emphasized even in the area of ​​``alcohol,'' where knowledge and nonsense are often considered good. We started this service with the hope of realizing a form of ``sakedo'' that values ​​the spirituality of ``casual enjoyment.''

Alcohol makes people who drink it fun and enriches their daily lives. We would like to create a service that can help everyone live a slightly happier life by magnifying the small pleasures of everyday life and increasing opportunities to smile.

Service policy 

Make drinking more fun and easier

We place more emphasis on experience than knowledge, and aim to provide a service that solves each issue of making drinking more enjoyable and easier.

 Pursuing the enjoyment of drinking through connections with people

We aim to create a community where everyone can easily share the joy of drinking with a variety of people, help each other, and cooperate.

    Creating a system where the conveyancer can demonstrate and enjoy value

    We aim to create a system in which the number of drinkers increases by conveying to drinkers the appeal of alcohol and how to enjoy it, and also allows producers to concentrate on making good products.


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